In my previous post i explained about a method to add/attach an event handler to a list.
Now what would you do to remove an event handler from a list ?
The following function would help you to achieve the same in sharepoint..
Just like in the adding event handler post , create the following method.
private void RemoveHandler(SPList objlist, string strrecieverName)
Guid objGuid = new Guid();
SPEventReceiverDefinition objEvent = objlist.EventReceivers.Cast<SPEventReceiverDefinition>().FirstOrDefault(l=>string.Compare(l.Name,strrecieverName,true)==0);
if (objEvent != null)
objGuid = objEvent.Id;
if (objGuid.CompareTo(System.Guid.Empty) != 0)
//Deletes the eventHandler object
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, CommonConstants.ITI_EXCEPTION);
Now call the RemoveHandler() method from the feature deactivating method of Reciever.cs .
This will remove the adding and deleting event handler from the test list respectively.
public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
SPWeb objweb = (SPWeb)properties.Feature.Parent;
List<SPList> objspLists = new List<SPList>();
SPList objTestList = objweb.Lists.Cast<SPList>().FirstOrDefault(l => string.Compare(l.Title, "TestList", true) == 0);
if (TestList!= null)
//Remove the adding and deleting event handler from the test
RemoveHandler(objTestList , "AddingEventHandler");
RemoveHandler(objTestList , "DeletingEventHandler");
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, CommonConstants.ITI_EXCEPTION);
Now what would you do to remove an event handler from a list ?
The following function would help you to achieve the same in sharepoint..
Just like in the adding event handler post , create the following method.
private void RemoveHandler(SPList objlist, string strrecieverName)
Guid objGuid = new Guid();
SPEventReceiverDefinition objEvent = objlist.EventReceivers.Cast<SPEventReceiverDefinition>().FirstOrDefault(l=>string.Compare(l.Name,strrecieverName,true)==0);
if (objEvent != null)
objGuid = objEvent.Id;
if (objGuid.CompareTo(System.Guid.Empty) != 0)
//Deletes the eventHandler object
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, CommonConstants.ITI_EXCEPTION);
Now call the RemoveHandler() method from the feature deactivating method of Reciever.cs .
This will remove the adding and deleting event handler from the test list respectively.
public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
SPWeb objweb = (SPWeb)properties.Feature.Parent;
List<SPList> objspLists = new List<SPList>();
SPList objTestList = objweb.Lists.Cast<SPList>().FirstOrDefault(l => string.Compare(l.Title, "TestList", true) == 0);
if (TestList!= null)
//Remove the adding and deleting event handler from the test
RemoveHandler(objTestList , "AddingEventHandler");
RemoveHandler(objTestList , "DeletingEventHandler");
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, CommonConstants.ITI_EXCEPTION);
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